Bleach manga complete list
Bleach manga complete list

bleach manga complete list


And while I thought the quality dropped off a bit towards the end, it was still an excellent series overall. For many, I think it served as a gateway book into manga.

bleach manga complete list

Back when I was blogging at Grotesque Anatomy, it seemed like everyone was reading and loving this series. Planetes (5 books) - I think I'll always remember this series as the original critical darling (manga division) of the comics blogosphere. Still, the characters and settings (not to mention the stunning artwork by creator Hayao Miyazaki) are engaging enough to engross me every time I pick up this series. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (7 volumes) - Another classic, and yet another one that I appreciate more in terms of world-building and artistic vision that actual plot. And I like the device of the main character, excorcist Reiji Akiba, addressing the reader directly in many of the intros - reminds me of old horror comics like House of Mystery and House of Secrets where the host greeted the reader.

bleach manga complete list

Creator Housui Yamazaki puts together a great collection of short, smart horror stories in each volume. Mail (3 volumes) - I'm going out on a limb here because the third and final volume hasn't been released yet, so I could be tempting fate by listing it a week before Dark Horse says the last book comes out, but assuming this series does reach its end, it's definitely one worth picking up. Simply delightful, this book puts a smile on my face every time I read it. And Love Roma manages to be laugh-out-loud funny and truthful and honest at the same time. I don't ever think I've seen a better portrayal of what relationships (especially first relationships in high school) can be like. But Love Roma avoids all those clichés and is all the better for it.

bleach manga complete list

How many romantic comedies start with the couple getting together and then get their mileage from watching the characters grow closer throughout their relationship? From the way most romantic comedies work, you'd think it was impossible to make a relationship interesting without inane misunderstandings and nonsensical fights. Love Roma (5 volumes) - This series was a wonderfully quirky little book. And as unlikeable as I find the main character Kaneda, I absolutely adore several of the supporting characters Otomo has created for this story, especially Kei. I'm not as enamored with the plot as some die-hard fans, but I do think creator Katsuhiro Otomo does truly astounding work in terms of visual storytelling here: his pacing, panel transitions, and detailed backgrounds that always hang together are unmatched in Western comics. Six thick volumes of psychic snot-nosed punks blowing the out of Japan. In any case, here's my list of recommended completed manga series. I suppose it could be taken as a sign that I don't read as much manga as I thought, or perhaps I'm forgetting something and I'll remember right after I post this. Several people offered suggestions in the comments (see list below) but I had trouble putting together my own list, unable to quite reach ten series. Following up on an idea from an earlier post, I was trying to compile a list of my recommendations for the top ten completed manga series.

Bleach manga complete list